Our #greenaef campaign

Beginning of July, the AEF fellows gathered to launch their very first campaign. The focus was to be set on sustainable development and awareness, birthing our campaign hashtag #greenaef.

In less than a week, we have managed to reach a total of 16.000 people all over the world. Bringing new light and awareness of the sustainability topic.

We would like to thank out community on Twitter and Instagram for their active engagement.

#greenaef in numbers

The stories in our campaign

We shared awareness on three major topics in regard to environmental developments. You may have seen this on our beautiful Instagram account. 

Our community impact

Next to our opinion pieces, our community shared valuable resources and opinions around greenaef. We’ve picked out some highlights. If you would like to see the engagement of the full campaign, explore the #greenaef hashtag on Twitter. 

We’d also like to share special thanks to Nigeria for their active engagement during the campaign.

New Partnerships

Last but not least, we also established some fine partnerships along the way. Please meet three entrepreneurs that are looking to improve the economic, social and political growth of the African continent: 

Godfrey Thwala, South Africa - Working for Greener Agriculture
Youth In Focus, Ghana - Youth Development along the SDGs
Saikou Bojan, The Gambia - Revolutionizing Rice Production

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