You’re an entrepreneur or startup that is looking to scale your business with funding and professional consulting. We can connect you to a powerful African-European network of Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors that want to see your business grow.

About us

The African-European-Fellowship (AEF) was initiated in March 2019. We are an innovative online network based in both Europe and Africa.

The AEF is home to many passionate fellows, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. Our members reflect diversity and cover different disciplines and a wide range of skills.Currently, our network consists of twelve Fellows and over four hundred African start-ups and entrepreneurs.

We are all dedicated to sharing knowledge and opportunities with like-minded, talented, and ambitious Africans and Europeans – regardless of their sector and profession.

Latest from our AEF-Blog

Western Togoland

Western Togoland The Protectorate of German Togo was divided between the British, who took control of what is Western Togoland today, and the French who

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African Coups D’état

African Coups D’état Africa History Blog VI A coup d’état is the sudden and violent overthrow of a government, usually done by a small group

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The CFA Franc

The CFA Franc Africa History Blog V This year, the CFA franc is turning 75 years old. The currency, backed by the French treasury and

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contact@ae-fellowship.com | +49 (0) 176 82471729
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