Western Togoland The Protectorate of German Togo was divided between the British, who took control of what is Western Togoland today, and the French who took control of present-day Togo. [...]
African Coups D’état Africa History Blog VI A coup d’état is the sudden and violent overthrow of a government, usually done by a small group that replaces the top power figures. A coup rarely [...]
The CFA Franc Africa History Blog V This year, the CFA franc is turning 75 years old. The currency, backed by the French treasury and fixed to the euro, is currently being used by more than 160 [...]
A closer look at France and her colonies Africa History Blog IV At the end of the Second World War, one of the reasons France was able to claim a permanent seat at the United Nations Security [...]
1. Growing mobility of people Education and participation in the labor force make especially women more capable to migrate. Migrants can help to bridge the skills- and labor shortages in a [...]
Africa’s Year of wonder Africa History Blog III On 26 August 1789, the French Déclaration des Droits d l’homme et du Citoyen first postulated the right of people to free themselves [...]
Why was Ethiopia not colonized? Africa History Blog II Ethiopia is Africa’s oldest independent state and one of two African countries that avoided colonial rule. The country was however [...]
The Scramble for Africa (1884-1885) Africa History Blog I Prior to European colonization Africa had a considerable history of state building (Oxford Bibliographies). During the closing years of [...]
Does a “pact for the continuation of colonization” really exist? This post, originally published on November 24, 2019, will be updated as the team’sresearch evolves. The blog [...]
We are launching a new campaign: #ourwomen You don’t have to look far to find that women are a lever to growth and prosperity. Back in 2007, Goldman Sachs (an investment bank) unveiled that [...]